Web Portföy Sitesi

Project Name: Web Portfolio Site

Project Description: This project is an example project developed for a web portfolio site. It is created to showcase web design and development skills. The front-end of the project utilizes fundamental web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, dynamic content management is achieved using the ASP.NET Core MVC framework.


  • Dynamic Content Management: Each section of the project (about, education, experience, portfolio) can be modified via an admin panel.
  • Portfolio Section: The project includes a portfolio section showcasing portfolio items belonging to different categories.
  • Portfolio Items: Each portfolio item contains a featured image, project name, and category name along with links to detailed information.

This project prioritizes user experience and visual design. By effectively integrating front-end and back-end technologies, it aims to provide an impressive and user-friendly web experience.

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Web Portföy Sitesi
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